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We are a national high-tech enterprise. At present, there are many kinds of self-woven and cooperatively processed fabrics, including microfiber warp-knitted towel cloth, weft-knitted towel cloth, coral fleece, etc.

Plan ahead and move forward with certainty - Hangzhou Aohua Textile Fire Drill

       In order to welcome the arrival of the 20th "Safety Production Month", the annual fire safety drill was organized by the Guali Town Federation of Trade Unions and undertaken by the Aohua Trade Union on June 10. Combine daily training with practical drills to further strengthen the company's employees' awareness of fire safety and improve their ability to respond to emergencies.

       Fire safety is related to the life of each employee, the happiness and tranquility of each family, and the major issue of the company's stable development. Fang Zhaoxiang, chairman of the company, pointed out that "investigating hidden dangers is the core work, and organizing drills is a precautionary measure". It is also a significant event in the process of our company's establishment of "safe enterprise and harmonious enterprise", marking that our company's safety management work has reached a new level.

       The correct use of fire extinguishers was explained on the spot, and every employee was full of emotions and actively participated.

       The competition is divided into 5 men's groups and 11 women's groups, and the order is decided by drawing lots. The purpose of this activity is to further test the fire emergency combat level of all employees of the company through competition.

       Following the referee's order, accompanied by cheers and cheers from the scene, the participating team members acted in a standardized manner, operated quickly, and fought bravely according to the requirements of the competition. In the competition, the contestants were not far behind, a series of movements were fast, coherent, and orderly, striving to be completed in the shortest time. The nervousness of the audience has just begun, and the fierce fire fighting competition project has ended. During the competition, everyone showed the level of firefighting skills trained on weekdays to the fullest, winning bursts of applause from the audience, and the atmosphere was very strong.

      After the competition, the chairman of the company awarded medals and bonuses to the winning teams.

      A few minutes or even seconds is the distance between life and death. Today's drill is for tomorrow's calm; today's run is for tomorrow's not to fall. Life is not rehearsed, and it cannot be regained if it is lost. It is necessary to act calmly in emergencies, and only raise awareness of fire safety at all times.

      Through this activity, the foundation of fire protection knowledge of the majority of employees has been further consolidated, the ability to practically apply fire protection knowledge has been improved, and more importantly, employees have a deeper understanding of our company's "adherence to safe development" policy, so that all employees have Strong fire safety and responsibility awareness. Aohua will continue to actively respond to the call of the party and the state, implement safety responsibilities, and make unremitting efforts to promote a safe and harmonious enterprise.